Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Baby Bump!

As of Sunday, I'm at 35 weeks! I try to have RJ take my picture every couple of weeks to document the growth of the baby bump. The first one (18 weeks, when I first started to actually show) was taken in December and the last one (34 weeks) was taken last week, on April 16th. 

We love watching this baby grow!

Spring Break / Baby Shower 2014

We had such a great time in Daytona Beach and in Atlanta a few weeks ago!

RJ and I left on Friday the 21st after we both worked for a few hours and packed up the car. We drove about 8 hours and stopped in South Carolina. The next morning we started the morning off with breakfast from Waffle House, as you do in the south.

RJ did most of the driving because he likes driving more than riding and I like riding more than driving - perfect right? On the way home, I did drive for a few hours so he could do work emails and phone calls since he was technically not on vacation anymore by then!

We got to Florida on Saturday afternoon and immediately got changed into our beach clothes for a walk on the beach! When the sun set, we drove around DB checking out the area and deciding where to eat (we ended up at a great Indian restaurant!).

Drew flew in on Sunday afternoon and we went out for Mexican. The rest of the time in Daytona Beach, Drew and RJ golfed and I sat by the pool and went for walks. Lindsay got there on Tuesday afternoon and we immediately went for a walk on the beach. Lindsay took this picture of me during our walk. It was chilly by the beach especially because it was so windy!

On Tuesday night we went to this great Italian place. The staff there was hilarious (it was a family - father in law and son cooks and mother in law and daughter in law waitresses). 

We didn't have the best weather after Tuesday - Wednesday was barely 60 degrees!! At least the sun was shining and it wasn't snowing :) The guys still went golfing and Lindsay and I went for a long walk down to the board walk. The guys picked us up after their golf outing and we went to a great local restaurant that was right on the beach. We even got a window seat with a beautiful view.

On Thursday morning it was time to head to out to Atlanta. It was about a 6.5 hour drive and we wanted to stop at the Allman Brother's Museum in Macon on the way. The Museum was a tour or the Big House that the Allman Brother's stayed in . Checking out the memorabilia, pictures and talking to the museum staff was great.

After dropping Lindsay off at her mom's house, we had dinner with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Sheri and then played Tripoly (of course!). 

On Friday, it was too rainy to golf so we played pool and phase ten inside (Aunt Sheri is too good!). Friday night we all met Lindsay at Monterrey for some Mexican. 

On Saturday (shower day!), the guys wanted to play golf, but hadn't really packed warm enough clothes. We were optimistically hoping for sunshine and it was rainy that day. Luckily, Grandpa had some jackets they were able to borrow:

<Drew didn't actually wear his on the course, it was just for the photo opp. RJ did though!>

Grandma and Mary set up for the shower while I got ready and everything looked great!

Sue made these adorable napkin diapers stuffed with raisonettes!

The flowers and cake also turned out really nice:

Lindsay came with her mom, Hannah and to my surprise - our cousin Diana!

Me with Linds (above) and me with Diana (below):

I was so surprised and happy to see Diana, who had come to surprise me. It was so great to see her and have her there! 

Some other family friends and loved ones:

Lindsay set up the cutest activity.. she got a beautiful box and decorated special cards for people to write words of advice or encouragement for us and/or the baby:

Such a sweet idea that we will definitely treasure having!

So happy to see Sue, she's been a special friend of the family for literally as long as I can remember, She made a beautiful quilt for the baby that I know she will just love!

Family pics:

 Breece (Stith/Arehart) ladies:

Breece kids (just missing David!)

We are so thankful for all of the special gifts we received. Sue, Grandma and Lindsay all made beautiful blankets that I know we will always treasure. Lindsay also made a set of beautiful hats for the baby, I can't wait to see her in them!

Lindsay's above and Grandma's below:

And this picture just makes me laugh. Grandma found a pillow exactly like the one I carried around for years, now our baby can have one too!

So as you can tell, the shower was great (and thanks to Linds for taking the pictures for our memories!). On Saturday night, Drew and RJ and I met Lindsay and Diana at a local Atlanta bar/restaurant to hang out a little bit more before everyone had to leave on Sunday. The place they chose had fried pickles, which has been one of my cravings, so I was happy!

On Sunday, Drew, Dad and Mary took off around 6am and RJ and I left around 10. Our plan was to stop mid way and finish our drive on Monday morning. We stopped in Cincinnati and found a hotel with an indoor pool, I really wanted to do some swimming after sitting in the car all day! We had fun. 

We got home on Monday afternoon and Harvey was thrilled!  

Big thanks to everyone who came to the shower and brought a wonderful gift for the baby - we really got spoiled! Also to Grandma and Mary for setting up such a wonderful shower and to Lindsay and Diana for surprising me! We loved getting to visit with everyone, even if it did go by too quickly. 

Just think, the next time we are in Atlanta to see everyone, we will be a family of 3!