In my last post I mentioned that we were also productive house-wise over the weekend.. we finally painted the upstairs! We painted the rooms before moving in, but couldn't decide on a color for the hallway in time. We finally decided on a neutral beige called "frappe".
The reason we needed to hurry up and get that done is because today we're having carpet installed upstairs and on the steps! Again, finally. We really should have done this back in April before we moved in. Back then we couldn't decide if we wanted to carpet it or re-finish the hardwood. We decided on carpet for the sake of comfort and coziness.. not to mention durability for future tenants.
Last night we had to move everything that was on top of our furniture or on the floor downstairs.. it was quite a process and now our downstairs is a hoarders paradise.
Thanks to my job we have more stuff than the average family.. my office is filled with bins of art supplies and the like.
Today I am working from the dining room table, it's kind of a nice change of scenery..
Staying positive :)
I'm excited for the carpet! Can't wait to share once it's all done :)
This is so exciting! Love anything to do with home makeovers and remodeling (interior design dork). Big changes like new carpet make a space look so different, congrats!