Monday, July 16, 2012


We've been going for Bike Rides on the Towpath (a beautiful trail close to our house. You can jump on it through multiple parks and it goes all the way to Cleveland! We haven't gone that far..)

 Mary gave me a lemon tree that I love!

 We celebrated July 4th at Chelsey and Trevor's with cornhole, delicious food and family (Harvey included).

We beat the heat by buying a $30 plastic pool from Target. It's been so nice when we can find time to sit in there in the backyard! RJ worked hard blowing it up. I took a few turns too.

I've been helping coordinate our Project RISE summer field trips. The first one was at the Botanical Gardens/Natural History Museum in Cleveland.. saw some beautiful creatures!

On Friday we got to go to a really cool grand opening event for Olive My Heart, a really neat olive oil/balsamic vinegar shop in Hudson. Can you tell we enjoyed it by how many bottles we bought? Don't worry, only two are for us. The rest we're giving away as gifts.

They had some fun cheese/fruit pairings with the different oils and vinegars. The food was delicious! 

On Saturday we celebrated Halley's birthday :

Trevor has RJ hooked on this "Oil of Oregano" stuff. It is pretty interesting.. it's a very strong tasting oil you take a drop a day of and it has some natural health benefits. We got some during our grocery trip.

This picture makes me smile.. so cute.

On Sunday we tried out a diner that was voted #1 breakfast in Akron.. according to RJ it lived up to it's title. I'm not a big breakfast-food person.. but I can tell you their Greek salad is pretty darn good!

Things have been busy lately trying to get things squared away with KidzArt. After August I will take on more hours with Project RISE and no longer be with KidzArt. I love the program but it's been 4 years and I'm ready for a change. I'm training the new people and transitioning out.. it will be a nice change for me!

In the mean time, I'm trying to balance all the hours I'm putting in for my new job. You read above that we're doing our summer field trips, which means during the month of July I'm gone all day on Tuesdays (and spend a good amount of time during the week coordinating!). Tomorrow we're going to Amish country and I have to leave by 6:40am to meet everyone on time.. yikes! I love it though. It will be a fun day with the kids.

More soon!

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